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About Us

Mutual Bancorp is a financial service holding company that supports the operations and enables the missions for two community banks headquartered in Massachusetts: Cape Cod 5, headquartered in Hyannis, and Fidelity Bank, headquartered in Leominster.
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Mutual Bancorp underpins the financial strength of both banks while allowing for greater operational efficiency and diversification of services that each organization can offer to their respective clients and communities.
Four members of the Cape Cod 5 Wealth Management team meeting in conference room
CC5 Fidelity Collage
History of Mutual Bancorp
Mutual Bancorp was incorporated in 2011 as the parent company for Cape Cod 5 Bank, the Cape Cod Five Mutual Company. In May 2023, the mutual holding company was renamed to Mutual Bancorp to both reflect its commitment to mutuality and prepare for expansion to support the strength of Cape Cod 5 Bank and all future acquired institutions, enabling them to carry out their respective missions effectively and sustainably.

In September 2023, Cape Cod 5 and Fidelity Bank of Leominster announced a strategic partnership, which would merge the banks’ holding companies under Mutual Bancorp, effective April 2024. This partnership will provide many benefits to each bank, which we had outlined in our original announcement.
Cape Cod 5 volunteers at the Housing Assistance Corporation Big Fix event
Community Engagement
Mutual Bancorp and each of our community banks are deeply committed to supporting the economic health, vitality and vibrancy of the regions they serve. With the engagement of their respective teams and partners throughout the community, our banks act as responsible corporate citizens and are committed to giving back through volunteerism, advocacy, board leadership and philanthropy. To read more about the impacts of the individual banks and their foundations, click the links below.